The search result of literature (PMID: 20421928) on XMRV -associated Prostate cancer

DVID Sum VIS-Factor Histone Modification Transcription Factor Binding Site Chromatin Accessibility Detail
8000004 529 359 122 48 View
8000005 493 56 290 147 View
8000006 352 316 17 19 View
8000009 205 204 1 View
8000011 127 92 13 22 View
8000013 57 53 4 View
8000015 38 26 12 View
8000016 31 27 3 1 View
8000019 18 11 6 1 View
8000022 12 11 1 View
8000023 12 1 11 View
8000026 2 2 View
8000027 1 1 View
8000028 0 View
8000029 0 View
  • Integration Sites
This table shows sites information which indicates the numbers of overlaps on cistrome data. The user can click green to view overlapped records detail and view VIS detail information by clicking View button at Detail column.
The cistrome refers to "the set of cis-acting targets of a trans-acting factor on a genome-wide scale."