XMRV VIS Detail Information

> This page shows VIS [8000019] detail information, including site information (chromosome, GRCh38 location, disease, sample, etc) and literature information.

Site Information
DVID 8000019
VISID TVIS45000013
Chromosome chr2
GRCh38 Location 109554685
Disease Prostate cancer  
Sample Cell line
Virus Reference Genome Not given
Literature Information
PubMed PMID 20421928
Published year 2010
Journal PloS one
Title Fidelity of target site duplication and sequence preference during integration of xenotropic murine leukemia virus-related virus.
Author Kim S,Rusmevichientong A,Dong B,Remenyi R,Silverman RH,Chow SA
Evidence During retrovirus replication, integration of the cDNA copy of the viral RNA genome into the host cell chromosome is an essential step and involves coordinated joining of the two ends of the linear viral DNA into staggered sites on target DNA. Correct integration produces proviruses that are flanked by a short direct repeat, which varies from 4 to 6 bp among the retroviruses but is invariant for each particular retrovirus. Uncoordinated joining of the two viral DNA ends into target DNA can cause insertions, deletions, or other genomic alterations at the integration site. To determine the fidelity of XMRV integration, cells infected with XMRV were clonally expanded and DNA sequences at the viral-host DNA junctions were determined and analyzed. A weak consensus sequence was also detected at the XMRV integration sites. We conclude that integration of XMRV DNA involves a coordinated joining of two viral DNA ends that are spaced 4 bp apart on the target DNA and proceeds with high fidelity.

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