The search result of literature (PMID: 18684813) on XMRV -associated Prostate cancer

DVID Sum VIS-Factor Histone Modification Transcription Factor Binding Site Chromatin Accessibility Detail
8000001 4413 1690 1684 1039 View
8000002 1086 811 174 101 View
8000003 846 677 111 58 View
8000007 270 238 18 14 View
8000008 229 211 18 View
8000010 205 204 1 View
8000012 75 53 11 11 View
8000014 56 11 22 23 View
8000017 29 19 10 View
8000018 27 21 6 View
8000020 16 13 3 View
8000021 14 14 View
8000024 11 11 View
8000025 9 9 View
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This table shows sites information which indicates the numbers of overlaps on cistrome data. The user can click green to view overlapped records detail and view VIS detail information by clicking View button at Detail column.
The cistrome refers to "the set of cis-acting targets of a trans-acting factor on a genome-wide scale."