HIV VIS-Cistrome Factor Overlapped Record Details

This pages show details of Cistrome factor-ralated samples which overlapped this VIS.
The cistrome refers to "the set of cis-acting targets of a trans-acting factor on a genome-wide scale."

Show overlaps from virus related biological source
VIS [DVID: 4001173] Location [chr1: 244445818] (GRCh38)
Factor Rank on this VIS Factor Name Overlapped Records Details
1 ATAC-seq 37 View
2 DNase 28 View

> Overlapped records detail between VIS [DVID: 4001173] and chromatin accessibility [ATAC-seq]:

GSMID or ENCODE Cell line Cell type Tissue type Factor
GSM1782765 K562 Erythroblast Bone Marrow ATAC-seq [Search on ENCODE]
GSM2174882 BJ Fibroblast Skin ATAC-seq [Search on ENCODE]
GSM2174880 BJ Fibroblast Skin ATAC-seq [Search on ENCODE]
GSM2174877 BJ Fibroblast Skin ATAC-seq [Search on ENCODE]
GSM2174875 BJ Fibroblast Skin ATAC-seq [Search on ENCODE]
GSM2544222 THP-1 Macrophage None ATAC-seq [Search on ENCODE]
GSM2098982 HFF Fibroblast Foreskin ATAC-seq [Search on ENCODE]
GSM2098979 HFF Fibroblast Foreskin ATAC-seq [Search on ENCODE]
GSM2241147 T47D Epithelium Mammary Gland ATAC-seq [Search on ENCODE]
GSM2575304 WM989 melanoma None ATAC-seq [Search on ENCODE]
GSM2575303 WM989 melanoma None ATAC-seq [Search on ENCODE]
GSM2575302 WM989 melanoma None ATAC-seq [Search on ENCODE]
GSM2575301 WM989 melanoma None ATAC-seq [Search on ENCODE]
GSM2575300 WM989 melanoma None ATAC-seq [Search on ENCODE]
GSM2575299 WM989 melanoma None ATAC-seq [Search on ENCODE]
GSM2575298 WM989 melanoma None ATAC-seq [Search on ENCODE]
GSM2575297 WM989 melanoma None ATAC-seq [Search on ENCODE]
GSM2575296 WM989 melanoma None ATAC-seq [Search on ENCODE]
GSM2575295 WM989 melanoma None ATAC-seq [Search on ENCODE]
GSM2575293 WM989 melanoma None ATAC-seq [Search on ENCODE]
GSM2575292 WM989 melanoma None ATAC-seq [Search on ENCODE]
GSM2575291 WM989 melanoma None ATAC-seq [Search on ENCODE]
GSM2575290 WM989 melanoma None ATAC-seq [Search on ENCODE]
GSM2575289 WM989 melanoma None ATAC-seq [Search on ENCODE]
GSM2575288 WM989 melanoma None ATAC-seq [Search on ENCODE]
GSM1876025 None Smooth Muscle Cell Coronary artery smooth muscle ATAC-seq [Search on ENCODE]
GSM1876024 None Smooth Muscle Cell Coronary artery smooth muscle ATAC-seq [Search on ENCODE]
GSM1876027 None Smooth Muscle Cell Coronary artery smooth muscle ATAC-seq [Search on ENCODE]
GSM1876026 None Smooth Muscle Cell Coronary artery smooth muscle ATAC-seq [Search on ENCODE]
GSM1876021 None Smooth Muscle Cell Coronary artery smooth muscle ATAC-seq [Search on ENCODE]
GSM1876022 None Smooth Muscle Cell Coronary artery smooth muscle ATAC-seq [Search on ENCODE]
GSM1876028 None Smooth Muscle Cell Coronary artery smooth muscle ATAC-seq [Search on ENCODE]
GSM2476338 None Melanocyte Foreskin ATAC-seq [Search on ENCODE]
GSM2401442 BJ Fibroblast Skin ATAC-seq [Search on ENCODE]
GSM2401443 BJ Fibroblast Skin ATAC-seq [Search on ENCODE]
GSM2898847 None Cardiomyocyte None ATAC-seq [Search on ENCODE]
GSM2476340 501-Mel melanoma None ATAC-seq [Search on ENCODE]
  • Table Description
This table at top of page is factor ranked by overlap number. The overlap number refers to the overlapping count between VIS selected and one sepecific cistrome factor. The user can click biological source filter with blue button to keep the overlaps which are associated with virus-related diseases based on cistrome sample's biological source.
  • Overlap
An overlap means a match between VIS and 1 of 3 Cistrome data (histone modification, transcription factor binding site and chromatin accessibility), more specifically, this match includes at least 1 overlap between this VIS and 1 Cistrome factor-related sample from 1 of 3 Cistrome factor data. So one VIS may have several overlaps with multiple Cistrome factor-related samples, the associated factor and overlap amount of samples could indicate that the virus integration site is a potentially functional DNA element.