HIV VIS-Cistrome Factor Overlapped Record Details

This pages show details of Cistrome factor-ralated samples which overlapped this VIS.
The cistrome refers to "the set of cis-acting targets of a trans-acting factor on a genome-wide scale."

Show overlaps from virus related biological source
VIS [DVID: 4000452] Location [chr1: 155695170] (GRCh38)
Factor Rank on this VIS Factor Name Overlapped Records Details
1 H3K4me3 148 View
2 H3K27ac 41 View
3 H3K4me1 38 View
4 H3K4me2 14 View
5 H3K9ac 8 View
6 H3K36me3 6 View
7 H3 1 View
8 H3K9me3 1 View

> Overlapped records detail between VIS [DVID: 4000452] and histone modification [H3K27ac]:

GSMID or ENCODE Cell line Cell type Tissue type Factor
GSM1164226 GM18516 Lymphoblastoid Blood H3K27ac [Search on ENCODE]
GSM1164231 GM19238 Lymphoblastoid Blood H3K27ac [Search on ENCODE]
GSM1164232 GM19239 Lymphoblastoid Blood H3K27ac [Search on ENCODE]
GSM1420841 GM18502 Lymphoblastoid None H3K27ac [Search on ENCODE]
GSM1420846 GM18861 Lymphoblastoid None H3K27ac [Search on ENCODE]
GSM1420847 GM18862 Lymphoblastoid None H3K27ac [Search on ENCODE]
GSM1420851 None Lymphoblastoid None H3K27ac [Search on ENCODE]
GSM1420855 GM19116 Lymphoblastoid None H3K27ac [Search on ENCODE]
GSM1420860 GM19127 Lymphoblastoid None H3K27ac [Search on ENCODE]
GSM1420863 GM19152 Lymphoblastoid None H3K27ac [Search on ENCODE]
GSM1420864 GM19143 Lymphoblastoid None H3K27ac [Search on ENCODE]
GSM1420869 GM18499 Lymphoblastoid None H3K27ac [Search on ENCODE]
GSM1420871 GM18516 Lymphoblastoid Blood H3K27ac [Search on ENCODE]
GSM1420872 GM18517 Lymphoblastoid None H3K27ac [Search on ENCODE]
GSM1420873 GM18522 Lymphoblastoid Blood H3K27ac [Search on ENCODE]
GSM1420877 GM18855 Lymphoblastoid None H3K27ac [Search on ENCODE]
GSM1420884 GM19137 Lymphoblastoid None H3K27ac [Search on ENCODE]
GSM1420887 GM19201 Lymphoblastoid None H3K27ac [Search on ENCODE]
GSM1420896 GM19114 Lymphoblastoid None H3K27ac [Search on ENCODE]
GSM1420898 GM19114 Lymphoblastoid None H3K27ac [Search on ENCODE]
GSM1446921 None Keratinocyte None H3K27ac [Search on ENCODE]
GSM1550822 GM19203 Lymphoblastoid None H3K27ac [Search on ENCODE]
GSM1550865 GM18499 Lymphoblastoid None H3K27ac [Search on ENCODE]
GSM1550905 GM18499 Lymphoblastoid None H3K27ac [Search on ENCODE]
GSM1517089 HeLa Epithelium Cervix H3K27ac [Search on ENCODE]
GSM1645725 None Keratinocyte None H3K27ac [Search on ENCODE]
GSM1862993 LNCaP Epithelium Prostate H3K27ac [Search on ENCODE]
GSM1862999 LNCaP Epithelium Prostate H3K27ac [Search on ENCODE]
GSM2029133 HeLa Epithelium Cervix H3K27ac [Search on ENCODE]
GSM1902615 LNCaP Epithelium Prostate H3K27ac [Search on ENCODE]
ENCSR752UOD_1 MCF-7 Epithelium Breast H3K27ac [Search on ENCODE]
GSM2058042 V481 Colorectal cancer cell line None H3K27ac [Search on ENCODE]
GSM2398387 L3.6 None None H3K27ac [Search on ENCODE]
GSM1907214 LNCaP Epithelium Prostate H3K27ac [Search on ENCODE]
GSM1907213 LNCaP Epithelium Prostate H3K27ac [Search on ENCODE]
GSM1976293 Raji B Lymphocyte Blood H3K27ac [Search on ENCODE]
GSM2532775 RKO Epithelium Colon H3K27ac [Search on ENCODE]
GSM721136 HCC1954 Epithelium Mammary Gland H3K27ac [Search on ENCODE]
GSM2473265 Raji B Lymphocyte Blood H3K27ac [Search on ENCODE]
GSM2496165 None Keratinocyte None H3K27ac [Search on ENCODE]
GSM2359496 N87 None Stomach H3K27ac [Search on ENCODE]
  • Table Description
This table at top of page is factor ranked by overlap number. The overlap number refers to the overlapping count between VIS selected and one sepecific cistrome factor. The user can click biological source filter with blue button to keep the overlaps which are associated with virus-related diseases based on cistrome sample's biological source.
  • Overlap
An overlap means a match between VIS and 1 of 3 Cistrome data (histone modification, transcription factor binding site and chromatin accessibility), more specifically, this match includes at least 1 overlap between this VIS and 1 Cistrome factor-related sample from 1 of 3 Cistrome factor data. So one VIS may have several overlaps with multiple Cistrome factor-related samples, the associated factor and overlap amount of samples could indicate that the virus integration site is a potentially functional DNA element.