HIV VIS-Cistrome Factor Overlapped Record Details

This pages show details of Cistrome factor-ralated samples which overlapped this VIS.
The cistrome refers to "the set of cis-acting targets of a trans-acting factor on a genome-wide scale."

Show overlaps from virus related biological source
VIS [DVID: 4001087] Location [chr1: 155522201] (GRCh38)
Factor Rank on this VIS Factor Name Overlapped Records Details
1 DNase 30 View
2 ATAC-seq 6 View

> Overlapped records detail between VIS [DVID: 4001087] and chromatin accessibility [DNase]:

GSMID or ENCODE Cell line Cell type Tissue type Factor
GSM1024609 None Epithelium Mammary Gland DNase [Search on ENCODE]
GSM646560 None Epithelium Amnion DNase [Search on ENCODE]
GSM1014514 None Myoblast Skeletal Muscle DNase [Search on ENCODE]
GSM1014518 None Embryonic Fibroblast Heart DNase [Search on ENCODE]
GSM1014519 None Endothelial Cell Blood DNase [Search on ENCODE]
GSM1014538 M059J Glial Cell Brain DNase [Search on ENCODE]
GSM849031 None Fibroblast Pulmonary Artery DNase [Search on ENCODE]
GSM849029 None Fibroblast Umbilical Vein DNase [Search on ENCODE]
GSM849026 None Astrocyte Brain DNase [Search on ENCODE]
GSM1220609 None None Fetal Skin Biceps Right DNase [Search on ENCODE]
GSM1255269 LNCaP Epithelium Prostate DNase [Search on ENCODE]
GSM1338310 None Fibroblast None DNase [Search on ENCODE]
GSM736551 AG09309 Fibroblast Skin DNase [Search on ENCODE]
GSM736616 AG09309 Fibroblast Skin DNase [Search on ENCODE]
GSM736518 BJ Fibroblast Skin DNase [Search on ENCODE]
GSM736596 BJ Fibroblast Skin DNase [Search on ENCODE]
GSM736606 None Epithelium Amnion DNase [Search on ENCODE]
GSM736494 None Embryonic Fibroblast Heart DNase [Search on ENCODE]
GSM736542 None Endothelial Cell Umbilical Vein DNase [Search on ENCODE]
GSM736627 None Endothelial Cell Umbilical Vein DNase [Search on ENCODE]
GSM736603 LNCaP Epithelium Prostate DNase [Search on ENCODE]
GSM1024773 M059J Glial Cell Brain DNase [Search on ENCODE]
GSM1024794 M059J Glial Cell Brain DNase [Search on ENCODE]
GSM736612 NHLF Fibroblast Lung DNase [Search on ENCODE]
GSM763534 BJ Fibroblast Skin DNase [Search on ENCODE]
ENCSR083STA_2 MG-63 Fibroblast Bone DNase [Search on ENCODE]
ENCSR240TPI_1 BJ Fibroblast Skin DNase [Search on ENCODE]
ENCSR548MMD_1 BJ Fibroblast Skin DNase [Search on ENCODE]
ENCSR548MMD_2 BJ Fibroblast Skin DNase [Search on ENCODE]
ENCSR217TAW_2 None Fibroblast None DNase [Search on ENCODE]
  • Table Description
This table at top of page is factor ranked by overlap number. The overlap number refers to the overlapping count between VIS selected and one sepecific cistrome factor. The user can click biological source filter with blue button to keep the overlaps which are associated with virus-related diseases based on cistrome sample's biological source.
  • Overlap
An overlap means a match between VIS and 1 of 3 Cistrome data (histone modification, transcription factor binding site and chromatin accessibility), more specifically, this match includes at least 1 overlap between this VIS and 1 Cistrome factor-related sample from 1 of 3 Cistrome factor data. So one VIS may have several overlaps with multiple Cistrome factor-related samples, the associated factor and overlap amount of samples could indicate that the virus integration site is a potentially functional DNA element.