HIV VIS-Cistrome Factor Overlapped Record Details

This pages show details of Cistrome factor-ralated samples which overlapped this VIS.
The cistrome refers to "the set of cis-acting targets of a trans-acting factor on a genome-wide scale."

Show overlaps from virus related biological source
VIS [DVID: 4000196] Location [chr1: 117535027] (GRCh38)
Factor Rank on this VIS Factor Name Overlapped Records Details
1 CTCF 249 View
2 STAG1 38 View
3 RAD21 13 View
4 SMC1A 8 View
5 JUND 7 View
6 MAFK 7 View
7 RELA 5 View
8 SMC3 5 View
9 EBF1 4 View
10 GATA3 3 View
11 TEAD1 3 View
12 SRF 3 View
13 NFKB2 2 View
14 EBNA3C 2 View
15 GATA2 2 View
16 TEAD2 2 View
17 FLI1 2 View
18 MAFG 2 View
19 TRIM22 2 View
20 EP300 2 View
21 ZSCAN29 2 View
22 MAFF 2 View
23 FOSL1 2 View
24 JUN 2 View
25 HDAC1 2 View
26 CBX3 2 View
27 JUNB 2 View
28 TEAD4 2 View
29 C11orf30 2 View
30 BACH2 2 View
31 BRD4 2 View
32 ZNF654 2 View
33 PAX5 1 View
34 CDK12 1 View
35 MLLT1 1 View
36 MEF2A 1 View
37 VDR 1 View
38 SMARCA4 1 View
39 SMARCB1 1 View
40 IRF4 1 View
41 DNMT3A 1 View
42 CUX1 1 View
43 BCL3 1 View
44 RBPJ 1 View
45 DPF2 1 View
46 RUNX3 1 View
47 CHAMP1 1 View
48 STAT1 1 View
49 FOXM1 1 View
50 NBN 1 View
51 FOS 1 View
52 CREB1 1 View
53 TAL1 1 View
54 CBFB 1 View
55 TBL1XR1 1 View
56 STAT5A 1 View
57 ZNF382 1 View
58 TERC 1 View
59 BCL11A 1 View
60 IKZF1 1 View
61 SUMO1 1 View
62 POU2F2 1 View
63 PBX2 1 View
64 SMARCA5 1 View
65 ARID3A 1 View
66 MTA2 1 View
67 IRF1 1 View
68 NFKB1 1 View
69 BATF 1 View
70 ZNF692 1 View
71 BCLAF1 1 View
72 NFATC1 1 View
73 GLIS1 1 View
74 NFIC 1 View
75 CEBPA 1 View
76 BATF3 1 View
77 ATF2 1 View
78 FOXK2 1 View
79 EBF3 1 View

> Overlapped records detail between VIS [DVID: 4000196] and transcription factor binding site [MAFF]:

GSMID or ENCODE Cell line Cell type Tissue type Factor
GSM935306 HepG2 Epithelium Liver MAFF [Search on ENCODE]
GSM935520 K562 Erythroblast Bone Marrow MAFF [Search on ENCODE]
  • Table Description
This table at top of page is factor ranked by overlap number. The overlap number refers to the overlapping count between VIS selected and one sepecific cistrome factor. The user can click biological source filter with blue button to keep the overlaps which are associated with virus-related diseases based on cistrome sample's biological source.
  • Overlap
An overlap means a match between VIS and 1 of 3 Cistrome data (histone modification, transcription factor binding site and chromatin accessibility), more specifically, this match includes at least 1 overlap between this VIS and 1 Cistrome factor-related sample from 1 of 3 Cistrome factor data. So one VIS may have several overlaps with multiple Cistrome factor-related samples, the associated factor and overlap amount of samples could indicate that the virus integration site is a potentially functional DNA element.