EBV VIS-Cistrome Factor Overlapped Record Details

This pages show details of Cistrome factor-ralated samples which overlapped this VIS.
The cistrome refers to "the set of cis-acting targets of a trans-acting factor on a genome-wide scale."

Location chr1: 164465955-164465956 (GRCh38)
GSMID or ENCODE Cell line Cell type Tissue type Factor
GSM849025 None Epithelium Lung DNase [Search on ENCODE]
GSM1224668 HCT-116 None Colon DNase [Search on ENCODE]
GSM736608 SAEC Epithelium Lung DNase [Search on ENCODE]
ENCSR515EWI_1 Caki-2 None Kidney DNase [Search on ENCODE]
GSM1972145 HT1080 None Connective Tissue ATAC-seq [Search on ENCODE]
  • Overlapped Record Details
An overlapped record means a match between VIS and 1 of 3 Cistrome factor (histone modification, transcription factor binding site and chromatin accessibility), more specifically, this match includes at least 1 overlap between this VIS and 1 Cistrome factor-related sample from 1 of 3 Cistrome factor data. So one VIS may have several overlaps with multiple Cistrome factor-related samples, the associated factor and overlap amount of samples could indicate that the virus integration site is a potentially functional DNA element.