The search result of literature (PMID: 25485619) on XMRV -associated Oral squamous cell carcinoma

DVID Sum VIS-Factor Histone Modification Transcription Factor Binding Site Chromatin Accessibility Detail
8100007 15364 7055 6268 2041 View
8100018 11447 6095 3544 1808 View
8100023 11100 5551 3817 1732 View
8100017 10931 4991 3932 2008 View
8100025 9692 4433 3836 1423 View
8100032 8771 3692 3220 1859 View
8100005 8243 4161 2908 1174 View
8100016 7436 4169 1852 1415 View
8100022 5476 2585 1864 1027 View
8100015 4322 1091 1956 1275 View
8100035 4254 1450 1796 1008 View
8100013 3217 1145 1252 820 View
8100006 1774 616 1021 137 View
8100003 1535 1313 203 19 View
8100024 1008 629 321 58 View
8100029 882 273 533 76 View
8100033 876 444 315 117 View
8100011 722 323 310 89 View
8100012 413 99 178 136 View
8100034 222 127 90 5 View
  • Integration Sites
This table shows sites information which indicates the numbers of overlaps on cistrome data. The user can click green to view overlapped records detail and view VIS detail information by clicking View button at Detail column.
The cistrome refers to "the set of cis-acting targets of a trans-acting factor on a genome-wide scale."