HPV VIS-Cistrome Factor Overlap in each human chromosome
This page provides a heatmap of three VIS-Factors overlap counts by chromosome to help users have a better understanding of the distribution of VIS-Factors overlap in the human genome.
This heatmap is an overall statistics for HPV VIS-Cistrome factor overlapped records by chromosome. The darker the red, the greater the overlapped records number. The user can view specific number by moving mouse pointer.
Browse data by Chromosome or Factor
The user can browse HPV VIS-Cistrome factor overlapped records data by specific chromosome or statistics histogram for specific Cistrome factor when users click the chromosome or Cistrome factor the user are interested in.
VIS locations with VIS-cistrome overlap information and VIS details for each chromosome
This table showed the VIS locations with VIS-cistrome overlap information and VIS details for each chromosome, you can click green button with number which indicates the overlapped records of this VIS and 3 cistrome factor (histone modification, transcription factor binding site and chromatin accessibility) to inspect details of cistrome sample and factor information, you can click "Detail" button to inspect other information of this VIS.
Case 1
: The deletion of human fragments during the integration event.
Case 2
: Due to the experimental method/design, two viral insertion positions were provided in the literature.