HTLV1 VIS Detail Information

> This page shows VIS [6030941] detail information, including site information (chromosome, GRCh38 location, disease, sample, etc) and literature information.

Site Information
DVID 6030941
VISID TVIS44006081
Chromosome chr13
GRCh38 Location 66729869
Disease Adult T cell leukemia/lymphoma  
Sample Nontumor
Virus Reference Genome Not given
Target Gene PCDH9     
Literature Information
PubMed PMID 24735963
Published year 2014
Journal Blood
Title The role of HTLV-1 clonality, proviral structure, and genomic integration site in adult T-cell leukemia/lymphoma.
Author Cook LB,Melamed A,Niederer H,Valganon M,Laydon D,Foroni L,Taylor GP,Matsuoka M,Bangham CR
Evidence The role of HTLV-1 clonality, proviral structure, and genomic integration site in adult T-cell leukemia/lymphoma.

  • Site Information
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  • Literature Information
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