HPV VIS Detail Information

> This page shows VIS [5402911] detail information, including site information (chromosome, GRCh38 location, disease, sample, etc) and literature information.

Site Information
DVID 5402911
Chromosome chr22
GRCh38 Location 41151127, 41152240
Disease Cervical carcinoma  
Sample atypical squamous cells of undetermined significance�
Target Gene EP300     
Literature Information
PubMed PMID 30728408
Published year 2019
Journal Scientific reports
Title Genome-wide profiling of human papillomavirus DNA integration in liquid-based cytology specimens from a Gabonese female population using HPV capture technology.
Author Nkili-Meyong AA,Moussavou-Boundzanga P,Labouba I,Koumakpayi IH,Jeannot E,Descorps-Declère S,Sastre-Garau X,Leroy EM,Belembaogo E,Berthet N
Evidence  Minority genotypes (HPV33, 51, 58 and 59) were found in LSIL samples, except HPV59, which was identified in one HSIL sample. Among all the HPV genotypes identified after double capture, 10 genotypes (HPV30, 35, 39, 44, 45, 53, 56, 59, 74 and 82) were detected only in episomal form. Our study revealed that the degree of HPV integration varies with cervical cytological grade. The integration event might be a potential clinical prognostic biomarker for the prediction of the progression of neoplastic lesions.

  • Site Information
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  • Literature Information
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