HPV VIS Detail Information

> This page shows VIS [5000890] detail information, including site information (chromosome, GRCh38 location, disease, sample, etc) and literature information.

Site Information
DVID 5000890
VISID TVIS20003814
Chromosome chr3
GRCh38 Location 189849521
Disease Head and neck squamous cell carcinoma  
Sample Cell line
Virus Reference Genome NC_001526.4
Target Gene TP63     
Literature Information
PubMed PMID 25082736
Published year 2015
Journal International journal of cancer
Title Viral load, gene expression and mapping of viral integration sites in HPV16-associated HNSCC cell lines.
Author Olthof NC,Huebbers CU,Kolligs J,Henfling M,Ramaekers FC,Cornet I,van Lent-Albrechts JA,Stegmann AP,Silling S,Wieland U,Carey TE,Walline HM,Gollin SM,Hoffmann TK,de Winter J,Kremer B,Klussmann JP,Speel EJ
Evidence Viral integration into the host genome might contribute to carcinogenesis, as is shown for cervical carcinomas. The viral integration status, viral load, viral gene expression and the presence of aneusomies was evaluated in the cell lines UD-SCC-2, UM-SCC-047, UM-SCC-104, UPCI:SCC090, UPCI:SCC152, UPCI:SCC154 and 93VU147T. HPV integration was examined using FISH, APOT-PCR and DIPS-PCR. All cell lines showed integration-specific staining patterns and signals indicating transcriptional activity using FISH. APOT- and DIPS-PCR identified integration-derived fusion products in six cell lines and only episomal products for UM-SCC-104. Despite the observed differences in viral load and the number of viral integration sites, this did not relate to the identified viral oncogene expression. In conclusion, all HPV16-positive HNSCC cell lines showed integrated and/or episomal viral DNA that is transcriptionally active, although viral oncogene expression was independent of viral copy number and the number of viral integration sites.

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