HIV VIS Detail Information

> This page shows VIS [4300025] detail information, including site information (chromosome, GRCh38 location, disease, sample, etc) and literature information.

Site Information
DVID 4300025
Chromosome chr7
GRCh38 Location 23563699
Target Gene TRA2A     
Literature Information
PubMed PMID 33318172
Published year 2020
Journal Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America
Title HIV proviral DNA integration can drive T cell growth ex vivo.
Author Yoon JK,Holloway JR,Wells DW,Kaku M,Jetton D,Brown R,Coffin JM
Evidence Thus, HIV integration patterns linked to selective T cell outgrowth can be reproduced in cell culture. The single report of an HIV provirus in a case of AIDS-associated B-cell lymphoma with an HIV provirus in the same part of STAT3 also has implications for HIV-induced malignancy.

  • Site Information
Detail information of site [4300025]
  • Literature Information
The details of literature that this site is associated with.