HIV VIS Detail Information

> This page shows VIS [4100016] detail information, including site information (chromosome, GRCh38 location, disease, sample, etc) and literature information.

Site Information
DVID 4100016
Chromosome chr15
GRCh38 Location 38048080
Disease HIV infection/AIDS  
Target Gene TMCO5A     
Literature Information
PubMed PMID 31776247
Published year 2019
Journal Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America
Title Combined HIV-1 sequence and integration site analysis informs viral dynamics and allows reconstruction of replicating viral ancestors.
Author Patro SC,Brandt LD,Bale MJ,Halvas EK,Joseph KW,Shao W,Wu X,Guo S,Murrell B,Wiegand A,Spindler J,Raley C,Hautman C,Sobolewski M,Fennessey CM,Hu WS,Luke B,Hasson JM,Niyongabo A,Capoferri AA,Keele BF,Milush J,Hoh R,Deeks SG,Maldarelli F,Hughes SH,Coffin JM,Rausch JW,Mellors JW,Kearney MF
Evidence Integration sites were obtained for 4 MDA-amplified proviruses in the ACH-2 cells. All were on chromosome 7 at the same position within the NT5C3A gene, identical to the major reported integration site in ACH-2 cells

  • Site Information
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  • Literature Information
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