Virus Dataset Sample Info

> Dataset: 32345262 Search Result

Item Summary
Project 32345262
Virus Name HIV
Sample Number 32
Disease AIDS/HIV
Country China

ID Sample ID Age Gender Origin Detail
1 M China View
2 M China View
3 M China View
4 M China View
5 M China View
6 M China View
7 M China View
8 M China View
9 M China View
10 M China View
11 M China View
12 M China View
13 F China View
14 M China View
15 M China View
16 M China View
17 M China View
18 M China View
19 M China View
20 M China View
21 M China View
22 F China View
23 M China View
24 F China View
25 F China View
26 M China View
27 F China View
28 F China View
29 NA China View
30 NA China View
31 F China View
32 F China View

Item Summary
PMID 32345262
Title Natural presence of the V179D and K103R/V179D mutations associated with resistance to nonnucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitors in HIV-1 CRF65_cpx strains.
Abstract BACKGROUND: There is increasing evidence that HIV-1 genetic diversity can have an impact on drug resistance. The aim of this study is to investigate the epidemiological situation of CRF65_cpx and the impact of natural polymorphisms of this variant on genotypic resistance. METHODS: We used the BLAST search program followed by phylogenetic analysis to identify additional CRF65_cpx pol sequences from the Los Alamos HIV Sequence Database. Maximum likelihood phylogeny was estimated to clarify the epidemiological relationship of CRF65_cpx strains. Genotypic resistance was determined by submitting sequences to the Stanford HIV Drug Resistance Database. RESULTS: A total of 32 CRF65_cpx pol sequences were obtained. The CRF65_cpx strains were detected in seven provinces with large geographic distance. Yunnan CRF65_cpx sequences were mainly derived from a heterosexual risk group, whereas the CRF65_cpx sequences in other provinces were almost exclusively derived from an MSM population. With one exception of V179E, the other 31 strains harbored V179D mutation. The combination of V179D and K103R, conferring intermediate resistance to EFV and NVP, was detected in seven treatment-naive MSM patients. CONCLUSIONS: This study confirmed the expansion CRF65_cpx in China. Furthermore, we found the natural presence of the V179D and K103R/V179D mutations associated with resistance to NNRTIs in HIV-1 CRF65_cpx. Our findings highlight the contribution of polymorphic mutations to drug resistance and underscore the challenges in treating patients harboring CRF65_cpx strains.