Virus Dataset Sample Info

> Dataset: 11593432 Search Result

Item Summary
Project 11593432
Virus Name HBV
Sample Number 18
Disease Hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC)

ID Sample ID Age Gender Origin Detail
1 54T View
2 63T View
3 77T View
4 83T View
5 83T View
6 86T View
7 95T View
8 100T View
9 101T View
10 FR2 View
11 FR3 View
12 FR7 View
13 SA1 View
14 SA2 View
15 SA2 View
16 SA5 View
17 GR1 View
18 GR2 View
19 GR2 View
20 GR3 View
21 GR10 View

Item Summary
PMID 11593432
Title Identification of Human Cancer-Related Genes by Naturally Occurring Hepatitis B Virus DNA Tagging
Abstract Proviral tagging has been used in animals as a powerful tool for cancer genetics. We show that a similar approach is possible in patients with hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) infected by Hepatitis B Virus (HBV), a human pararetrovirus which may act by insertional mutagenesis. In this work, the HBV genome is used as a probe to identify cancer-related genes. By using HBV-Alu-PCR, we obtained 21 HBV/cellular DNA junctions from 18 different patients. In six of 21, we found the HBV DNA integrated into a cellular gene: (1) Sarco/Endoplasmic Reticulum Calcium ATPase1 Gene; (2) Thyroid Hormone Receptor Associated Protein 150 alpha Gene; (3) Human Telomerase Reverse Transcriptase Gene; (4) Minichromosome Maintenance Protein (MCM)-Related Gene; (5) FR7, a new gene expressed in human liver and cancer tissues; and (6) Nuclear Matrix Protein p84 Gene. Seven junctions contained unique cellular sequences. In the remaining eight, the HBV DNA was next to repetitive sequences, five of them of LINE1 type. The cellular genes targeted by HBV are key regulators of cell proliferation and viability. Our results show that studies on HBV-related HCCs allow to identify cellular genes involved in cancer. We therefore propose this approach as a valuable tool for functional cancer genomic studies in humans.