Virus Dataset Sample Detail

> Detail clinical information for each sample

Clinical Information
patient CHC4055T
Age 62
Gender M
Origin French
CCNA2/E1alteration None
Hepatitis B no
Hepatitis C yes
Metabolic syndrome no
Fibrosis stage F4
Edmondson grade I-II
Size of the nodule (mm) / Tumor size (mm) 35
Vascular invasion yes
Alcohol(0:no alcohol intake;1:social drinker;2:~60g/day;3:>60g/day) no
Last survival status death from liver cancer
Last survival delay (months) 38
WES data EGA series EGAS00001003063
WES data sequencer HiSeq 4000
WES data capture kit SureSelect Clinical Research Exome V2 - 64 Mb
RNA-seq data EGA series EGAS00001002879
RNA-seq data library Illumina TruSeq Stranded mRNA kit
RNA-seq read length 2x75
RNA-seq TopHat2 alignement options -r 150 -g 2 --library-type fr-firststrand