Virus Dataset Sample Detail

> Detail clinical information for each sample

Clinical Information
patient CHC3894T
Age 56
Gender M
Origin French
CCNA2/E1alteration None
Hepatitis B no
Hepatitis C no
Metabolic syndrome no
Fibrosis stage F0-F1
Edmondson grade III-IV
Size of the nodule (mm) / Tumor size (mm) 160
Vascular invasion yes
Alcohol(0:no alcohol intake;1:social drinker;2:~60g/day;3:>60g/day) yes
Last survival status alive
Last survival delay (months) 69
WES data EGA series EGAS00001003063
WES data sequencer HiSeq 4000
WES data capture kit SureSelect Clinical Research Exome V2 - 64 Mb
RNA-seq data EGA series EGAS00001002879
RNA-seq data library Illumina TruSeq Stranded mRNA kit
RNA-seq read length 2x75
RNA-seq TopHat2 alignement options -r 150 -g 2 --library-type fr-firststrand