HBV Mutation Detail Information

> I226N Search Result

Mutation Information
Mutation Site I226N
Mutation Type Amino acid level
Gene/Protein/Region Type S
Country Malaysia; Egypt; Hong Kong; Italy; Taiwan
Literature Information
PubMed PMID 23658444
Clinical information Yes
Disease Occult HBV infection
Published Year 2013
Journal Journal of virology
Title Specific amino acid substitutions in the S protein prevent its excretion in vitro and may contribute to occult hepatitis B virus infection.
Author Biswas S,Candotti D,Allain JP
Evidence Eight of the selected substitutions were unique to the pattern 2 sequences studied (M75T, P105R, K160N, W165R, L176P, W182C, V184A, and I226N), whereas one (S167L) and six (Y100S, P111S, G112E, G119E, S154P, and P178R) were also present in OBI pattern 1 and pattern 3 sequences, respectively.

Mutation Information Note
  • Gene/Protein/Region Type: Virus Gene (e.g. LMP-1) or Virus Protein (e.g. Rep 68) or Virus Region (e.g. S, X)
Literature Information Note
  • Evidence: sentence contains this mutation information in the citation