HBV Mutation Detail Information

> T2170C Search Result

Mutation Information
Mutation Site T2170C
Mutation Type Nucleotide level
Gene/Protein/Region Type C
Nucleotide_Mutation N90N
Genotype/Subtype C
Country Hong Kong(China)
Literature Information
PubMed PMID 18216102
Disease Hepatocellular carcinoma
Published Year 2008
Journal Journal of virology
Title Genotype-specific genomic markers associated with primary hepatomas, based on complete genomic sequencing of hepatitis B virus.
Author Sung JJ,Tsui SK,Tse CH,Ng EY,Leung KS,Lee KH,Mok TS,Bartholomeusz A,Au TC,Tsoi KK,Locarnini S,Chan HL
Evidence HCC-related mutations T31C, T53C, and A1499G were associated with HBV subgenotype Ce, and mutations G1613A, G1899A, T2170C/G, and T2441C were associated with HBV subgenotype Cs.

Mutation Information Note
  • Gene/Protein/Region Type: Virus Gene (e.g. LMP-1) or Virus Protein (e.g. Rep 68) or Virus Region (e.g. S, X)
Literature Information Note
  • Evidence: sentence contains this mutation information in the citation