HIV Mutation Detail Information

> K103S Search Result

Mutation Information
Mutation Site K103S
Mutation Type Amino acid level
Gene/Protein/Region Type RT
Viral Reference subtype A (92UG-UGO37; 94SE-SE7523; 94KE-Q23); subtype B (90US-WEAU160; 86US-JFRL; 83FR-HXB2); subtype C (86ET-ETH2220; 96BW-0502; 95IN-21068); subtype D (94UG-114; 83CD-NDK; 99TCMN011); subtype F1 (93BR-20; 93BE-VI850; 93FI-FIN9363); subtype F2 (95CM-MP255; CM-MP257; CM53657); subtype G (93SE-SE61615; 93FIHH8793; 96DE-DRCBL); subtype H (90CF-CF056; BE.VI991; BE.VI997); subtype J (93SE-SE92809 93SE-SE91733); subtype K (97CD-EQTB11 96CM-MP535); CRF02_AG (IBNG; DJ263; 98SE-MP1211); CRF06_cpx (BFP90 95ML-84); CRF09 (96GH2911; 95SN1795; 95SN7808).
Relevant Drug NNRTIs
Country Côte d'Ivoire
Literature Information
PubMed PMID 33170745
Disease HIV infection/AIDS
Published Year 2021
Journal Genome
Title Determination of reverse transcriptase inhibitor resistance mutations in HIV-1 infected children in Côte d'Ivoire.
Author Camara-Cisse M,Djohan YF,Toni TD,Dechi JR,N'Din JP,Lohoues EE,Monde AA,Gogbe LO,Brou E,Fieni F,Mansour FA,Aby R,Kouakou K,Chenal H
Evidence Frequently encountered resistance mutations were for NRTIs: M184V (88%), TAMs (67%), T215F/I/V/Y (33%) and L74I/V (24%);for NNRTIs: K103N/S (74%), P225H (26%) and G190A/E/Q (24%).

Mutation Information Note
  • Gene/Protein/Region Type: Virus Gene (e.g. LMP-1) or Virus Protein (e.g. Rep 68) or Virus Region (e.g. S, X)
Literature Information Note
  • Evidence: sentence contains this mutation information in the citation