HBV Mutation Detail Information

> I195M Search Result

Mutation Information
Mutation Site I195M
Mutation Type Amino acid level
Gene/Protein/Region Type S
Genotype/Subtype A
Country Brazil
Literature Information
PubMed PMID 24165277
Disease HBV infection
Published Year 2013
Journal Virology journal
Title Detection of lamivudine-resistant variants and mutations related to reduced antigenicity of HBsAg in individuals from the cities of Santos and São Paulo, Brazil.
Author Mantovani N,Cicero M,Santana LC,Silveira C,do Carmo EP,Abrão PR,Diaz RS,Caseiro MM,Komninakis SV
Evidence The mutations detected were as follows: sM133L + sI195T (2.94%), sI195M (2.94%), sP120T (2.94%), sY100S/F (2.94%), sY100C (17.64%), sI/T126P + sQ129P (2.94%), sM198I + sF183C (2.94%) and sS210R (5.88%).

Mutation Information Note
  • Gene/Protein/Region Type: Virus Gene (e.g. LMP-1) or Virus Protein (e.g. Rep 68) or Virus Region (e.g. S, X)
Literature Information Note
  • Evidence: sentence contains this mutation information in the citation