HTLV1 Mutation Detail Information

> G7337A Search Result

Mutation Information
Mutation Site G7337A
Mutation Type Nucleotide level
Gene/Protein/Region Type Rex
Literature Information
PubMed PMID 8011162
Published Year 1994
Journal DNA and cell biology
Title A spontaneous point mutation in the human T-cell leukemia virus type 1 pX gene leads to expression of a novel doubly spliced pX-mRNA that encodes a 25-kD, amino-terminal deleted rex protein.
Author Orita S,Kobayashi H,Saiga A,Kubota R,Osame M,Igarashi H
Evidence A novel acceptor site in this splicing was generated by a single point mutation (G to A) at nucleotide 7,337 of the pX gene.

Mutation Information Note
  • Gene/Protein/Region Type: Virus Gene (e.g. LMP-1) or Virus Protein (e.g. Rep 68) or Virus Region (e.g. S, X)
Literature Information Note
  • Evidence: sentence contains this mutation information in the citation