HBV Mutation Detail Information

> D144E Search Result

Mutation Information
Mutation Site D144E
Mutation Type Amino acid level
Gene/Protein/Region Type S
Genotype/Subtype A;B;C;D;E;F;G
Viral Reference AB241115; AY233278; AB116079; AY738141; AB194951; AB194952; AM180623; AY934764; FJ692609; FJ692613; GQ331047; GQ331048; AB014366; D00329; AP011084; AY596111; AB219427; AP011085; AP011086; AP011091; AP011093; AP011094; EF473977; M54923; AB073835; AB115551; AB287316; DQ463787; AB031265; AB112066; AB033553; AB368297; AF533983; HQ622095; KU695745; KU695746; X75656; X75665; AB048704; AB048705; KF873543; KF873545; AB241109; AP011099; EU410081; KM999992; KM999993; AP011103; AP011102; EU670263; AP011104; AP011105; AP011106; AP011107; AP011108; AB540583; AB554019; AB554020; AB554018; AB554025; AB644280; AB644281; GQ377555; HM011493; AB644286; AB644287; FJ904424; X80926; AB109475; Z35716; AB493845; AB493846; AY233291; X65257; AB033559; AB048702; AB033558; DQ315779; AM494716; FJ904430; AB091256; HM363610; X75664; AY090459; DQ823095; HM585194; AY090455; DQ899143; X69798; AB036905; AB036915; MH051986; AB166850; DQ823090; KJ843175; AB056513; AB064310; EF634480; AB516395; AY090454; AY090457; FJ023664; FJ023660; AB486012
Immune Escape Y
Country Australia;Caribbean;Central America;Central Asia;Eastern Africa;Eastern Asia;Eastern Europe;Melanesia;Middle Africa;Northern Africa;North America;Northern Europe;Polynesia;South America;South-eastern Asia;Southern Africa;Southern Asia;Southern Europe;Western Africa;Western Asia;Western Europe;New Zealand.
Literature Information
PubMed PMID 33381105
Disease Hepatocellular carcinoma
Published Year 2020
Journal Frontiers in microbiology
Title Comprehensive Analysis of Clinically Significant Hepatitis B Virus Mutations in Relation to Genotype, Subgenotype and Geographic Region.
Author Araujo NM,Teles SA,Spitz N
Evidence TABLE 1

Mutation Information Note
  • Gene/Protein/Region Type: Virus Gene (e.g. LMP-1) or Virus Protein (e.g. Rep 68) or Virus Region (e.g. S, X)
Literature Information Note
  • Evidence: sentence contains this mutation information in the citation