HIV Mutation Detail Information

> A62V Search Result

Mutation Information
Mutation Site A62V
Mutation Type Amino acid level
Gene/Protein/Region Type RT
Genotype/Subtype B;C
Relevant Drug NRTIs;tenofovir (TDF)
Country Zambia
Literature Information
PubMed PMID 21569325
Disease HIV infection/AIDS
Published Year 2011
Journal Retrovirology
Title The evolution of HIV-1 reverse transcriptase in route to acquisition of Q151M multi-drug resistance is complex and involves mutations in multiple domains.
Author Mbisa JL,Gupta RK,Kabamba D,Mulenga V,Kalumbi M,Chintu C,Parry CM,Gibb DM,Walker SA,Cane PA,Pillay D
Evidence The emergence of Q151M MDR occurred in the order A62V, V75I, and finally Q151M on the same genome at 4, 17 and 37 months after initiation of therapy, respectively.

Mutation Information Note
  • Gene/Protein/Region Type: Virus Gene (e.g. LMP-1) or Virus Protein (e.g. Rep 68) or Virus Region (e.g. S, X)
Literature Information Note
  • Evidence: sentence contains this mutation information in the citation