HBV mutation literature information.

  E2 Site Mutations in S Protein Strongly Affect Hepatitis B Surface Antigen Detection in the Occult Hepatitis B Virus.
 PMID: 34867835       2021       Frontiers in microbiology
Abstract: E2G/A/V/D mutations could strongly affect extracellular and intracellular level of HBsAg (p < 0.05).
Abstract: E2 mutations (E2G/A/V/D) existed in 21.8% (26/119) of OBIs, while no E2 mutations were found in the control group.
Abstract: Our findings suggest that: (1) E2G/A/V/D mutations were confirmed to significantly influence the detection of HBsAg, (2) the underlying mechanism of OBI caused by E2G mutation is quite different between genotype B and genotype C, and (3) E2G/A could produce a N-terminal truncated S protein, which might attribute to the

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