HBV mutation literature information.

  Genetic diversity in enhancer II region of HBV genotype D and its association with advanced liver diseases.
 PMID: 34982798       2022       PloS one
Abstract: Importantly, the high frequency of some notable mutations such as E109A/Y, A110S/K, Y111D/E, and F112L was first time reported in the entire study population.
Result: Moreover, some non-reported mutations such as E109A/Y (43.75%), A110S/K (37.5%), Y111D/E (50%), and F112L (43.75%) were also found in high frequency in HCC and LC (14.28%, 14.28%, 28.2% and 42.8% respectively) patients as compared to CHB (12.8%, 15.2%, 16.8% and 16% respectively) (Figs 2 and 3).
Result: Non-reported mutations such as

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