Abstract: Further, an
W227S) mutation impaired BTD binding whereas
EBNA3 homology domain mutations disrupted RBP/CSL N-terminal domain (NTD) binding.
Method: EBNA3C W227S was generated by Quickchange PCR (Stratagene, La Jolla, CA) and the mutated fragment cloned into the GST, pSG5-Flag and pCep
EBNA3C wild-type plasmids to generate appropriate point mutants.
Method: Briefly, 7.5 x 106
EBNA3C-HT infected LCLs were transfected with 15 mug of oriP plasmid DNA expressing E3C, E3C
W227S mutant, or control GFP oriP plasmid.
Result: EBNA3C binding to the beta trefoil domain containing constructs (B and B+C) was eliminated by